LIFE3H overall objective is to set up, demonstrate and exploit 3 Hydrogen Valleys (HVs) starting from the implementation of clean H2 buses fuelled with surplus H2 coming from local industrial productions thus closing the economical circle locally. The project will demonstrate new transport solutions to increase air quality by reducing emissions, facilitate mobility, economic growth and environmental sustainability in urban and natural areas.
The sites for setting up the Hydrogen Valley are: Altopiano delle Rocche, mountain and ski resort (Abruzzo Region); the historical city of Terni (Umbria Region); Port of Civitavecchia (Lazio Region).
LIFE3H specific objectives are:
- Build up the first 3 Italian HVs laying the basis of one transregional HV
- Develop common & sustainable road Local Public Transport mobility
- Implement integrated local policies & regulatory approaches for widespread deployment of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations and Fuel Cell vehicles
- Increase circular economy by storing and using H2 waste from local industries like steel mills and chlorine-soda plants
- Create a standard smart sustainable mobility management system
- Develop an HV implementation strategy allowing future expansion in the project sites and replication in other sites
- Raise citizens’ awareness & improving policy commitment to spread sustainable hydrogen-based mobility and improve air quality at sites of high historical, environmental and archaeological value
LIFE3H is coordinated by Regione Abruzzo with a partnership composed by a balanced mix of public bodies, research institutions, industrial partners and consutancies:
- Società Chimica Bussi
- CITRAMS (Centro Interdipartimentale Trasporti e Mobilità Sostenibile) - Università dell'Aquila
- Autorità Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale
- Port Mobility
- Rampini
- SNAM 4 Mobility
- Comune di Terni
- TUA - Società Unica Abruzzese di Trasporto
- UNeed.IT
- Università degli Studi di Perugia
- Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi
T.A. Chiara Barchiesi: