![Interreg MED - MED OSMiSIS](https://www.regione.abruzzo.it/system/files/progetti-europei-en/145657/logo-colour-med-osmosis.jpg)
MED OSMoSIS is a strategic project financed by the Interreg MED Programme - Priority Axis 4: Enhancing Mediterranean Governance, co-financed by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). It aims at developing a number of modules/applications regarding Maritime Surveillance activities and at facilitating the exchange of information for the purpose of further developing a regional/local smart plug-in capability supporting interoperable, transnational sectoral systems, ensuring their regional, deployable and mobile interface, in order to Enhance in-situ Situational Awareness, wherever needed in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic approaches. It will explore the application of the current guidelines and capabilities of the ongoing evolution of the CISE (common information sharing environment) data exchange model.
The project partners will carry out pilot activities and capitalization actions to test and disseminate tools and protocols among the partners as both potential users and intermediaries to reach out for new target entities.
The Abruzzo Region is responsible for Work Package 6 “Capitalisation”.
- Innovative solutions for Maritime Surveillance: the further development of the modules and applications and subsequent exchange of information between the project partners will support maritime surveillance cooperation, and develop multilateral coordination frameworks in the Mediterranean for joint responses.
- Pilot studies results and capitalisation: The project partners’ competences and activities included in the project cover most of the Mediterranean basin, while the proposed modules/applications fit in a number of possible maritime surveillance aspects e.g. Maritime Spatial Planning, Search and Rescue cooperative plans among project partners, sharing 2 experiences with those partners without corresponding platforms, etc. The hands-on application of the innovative solutions through the proposed pilot studies will enhance the cooperation among the project partners, and possibly identify how such cooperation can contribute to improving the results deriving from maritime surveillance and the relevant exchange of information.
- List of platforms for Maritime Surveillance: Establishing the list of platforms existing in the partnership while testing their availability and interoperability, testing the data and including information will provide a valuable tool for the project partners. This result incorporates the reports regarding diagnosis of problems, need analysis and possible ways to improve the currently used platforms. It will also provide a guide, so that those countries which do not have such platforms can develop one, and a roadmap for IPA countries to minimize the gap with other European Partners. The interoperability studies will ensure that the different EU institutional levels will be able to share information and coherent processes.
- Special Service of European Union Structural Funds for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy (Greece) - Lead Partner
- Abruzzo Region (Italy)
- CSIC - Institute of Marine Sciences (Spain)
- National Institute of Biology (Slovenia)
- Valencia Port Foundation (Spain)
- Directorate-General Maritime Authority (Portugal)
- Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (France)
- Intermodal Transport Cluster (Croatia)
- Plovput - commercial company for the maintenance of maritime waterways and radio services (Croatia)
- Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs (Montenegro)
Abruzzo Region
Project Coordinator
Ms. Paola Di Salvatore
Via Salaria Antica Est, 27/F
67100 L'Aquila, Italy
Tel: +39 0862 - 364285
e-mail: paola.disalvatore@regione.abruzzo.it