![I.Archeo.S. logo](https://www.regione.abruzzo.it/system/files/progetti-europei-en/154325/iarcheos-abruzzo.jpg)
The project I-Archeo.S, of which the Abruzzo Region is a Partner, is a Standard+ project funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC programme - Priority 3, Specific Objective 3.1.
The project I-Archeo.S. is capitalizing the IPA Adriatic CBC project ARCHEO.S. The common challenge that the Project wants to jointly tackle is to develop, valorise in a sustainable way the widely spread environmental and landscape assets of the area through a higher quality tourism and in the same time conserve and protect them, finding the right balance. The overall objective of the project is to build an Integrated System of Services for the Natural and Cultural Heritage, for a sustainable economic development.
The Partnership lives in a area where tourism is focused in the coastal area in the summer season, but there are natural and cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) often less known or strongly affected by adverse extreme natural events that can become very attractive tourist destinations if the economic Stakeholders and Public Bodies of the area cooperate in a System where the personal economic interest become part of a shared strategy for a mutual improvement.
The expected change is a better equal distribution of tourist flows during the year.The decrease of human pressure on coastal area, moving the tourist flows in the inner land or in autumn and winter period, or in sites rarely visited or affected by adverse natural events.The main activities will focus on the setting up of the public-private agreements.
- 1 Chart for Evaluating the Quality Performance of tourist itineraries;
- 6 projects of tourist thematic itineraries;
- 6 Pilot actions as Educational Tours;
- 6 Local creativity vocational training courses;
- 6 Agreements for Clusters;
- 6 promotional campaigns for the local audience;
- 20 sites and 6 intangible heritage promoted;
- Mobile App for accessibility of 20 natural and cultural heritage destinations eco-roads, new intermodal plans, alternative way of transferring, edutainment products.
- Apulian Public Theatre Consortium
- Abruzzo Region
- Marche Theatre Scarl
- City of Pazin Open Public University of Poreč Municipality of Crikvenica
The project coordinator is Paola Di Salvatore, Director of the Service of Territorial Cooperation of the Abruzzo Region (IT).