Interreg Italy-Croatia - TAKE IT SLOW

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01 Giugno 2023
TAKE IT SLOW_Italy Croatia Programme
Funding program: 
Interreg Italy-Croatia

TAKE IT SLOW, funded under Priority Axis “Environment and cultural heritage” – Specific Objective 3.1 - Make natural and cultural heritage a leverage for sustainable and more balanced territorial development , has the overall objective to increase the prosperity and the green growth potential of the Mediterranean islands, coastline and inland across the project area as highly specialized TAKE IT SLOW destinations by boosting the cross-border partnership to achieve tangible changes in destination management.

The action aims at defining, managing and promoting the Adriatic Region as a smart, integrated, sustainable, accessible - throughout the year -, green and slow tourist destination in the Mediterranean region based on a common natural and cultural heritage that is preserved and valorized. It will maximize the impact of the Programme overall objective towards tangible results; meet the priorities of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth; strengthen the collaboration between institutions, entrepreneurs, educational institutions, the civil and private sector of the Adriatic region.

TAKE IT SLOW will focus on the potential that heritage carries of developing maritime and coastal tourism, in order to achieve economic, social and territorial cohesion of joint cross-border Adriatic tourism destinations, thus enabling regional and local stakeholders to exchange knowledge, develop and implement pilot actions and test new policies, products and services.

Expected results: 

TAKE IT SLOW is committed to raising awareness of operators and final users on the importance of smart & slow tourism, as efforts for generating innovation in tourism

  • in the field of accessibility (more accessible and user-friendly information)
  • sustainability models (raising awareness on certification and understanding their aims, social designing and networking)
  • digitalization and cultural & creative heritage (optimizing visits through interactive digital guides, interpretation centres)

so to pave the way for a more balanced approach, which takes care of world heritage, tourists, citizens and quality.

Project partners: 
  1. Dubrovnik/Neretva Region - Lead Partner
  2. Public Institution RERA Sd for Coordination and Development of the Split-Dalmatia County
  3. Public Development Agency of Šibenik-Knin County
  4. University of Zadar
  5. Istrian Region
  6. Promoturismo Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  7. Veneto Region
  8. Emilia-Romagna Region
  9. Marche Region
  10. Abruzzo Region
  11. Molise Region
  12. Teatro Pubblico Pugliese
Total budget: 
€ 3.764.695
Regione Abruzzo Budget: 
€ 194.000
Start date: 
End date: 

Abruzzo Region

Economic Development - Tourism Department

Via Passolanciano 75

Pescara, Italy